Friday, October 22, 2010

Cholesterol and Human Health

It appears that cholesterol in the human body is not the ogre that some persons have said. For example, cholesterol is need for the human body to manufacture testosterone and estrogen. In fact, it cholesterol is too low, it may cause psychological depression. The alleged danger or cholesterol is that it may cause a heart attack. However, medical research has shown that cholesterol is really not the cause of such heart attacks, but instead, they are caused by a low Vitimin C level in the human body. Moreover, there is strong evidence that statin anti-cholesterol drugs such as Lipitor do not lower cholesterol. Additionally, statin drugs such as Lipitor appear to have been linked to the following dangerous side effects:

-polyneurapathy (numbness in hands and feet)
-Cognitive Impairment (such as memory loss)
-Liver disfunction
-Kidney disfunction
-psychological depression
-Immune System disfunction (analogous to HIV)

Thus, it is apparent, that even if there is some negative health impact from high cholesterol, taking the medication appears to be an even greater problem for human health. It may be that it is medical malpractice for a medical doctor to prescibe statin drugs such as Lipitor.

See generally, Dr. Mercola, M.D., "The Cholesterol Myth that is Harming Your Health" (2010), and, "Cholesterol, The Truth," The National Health Information Center.

(C)Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar

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